Ein Jahr nach der Veröffentlichung von Impious folgt am 12.05.2023 das vierte Album des Black Metal Projekts "Non Est Deus" mit dem Titel "Legacy". Wie bei Impious handelt es sich um eine Auseinandersetzung mit der ewigen Frage: Gibt es einen Gott.
Vorweihnachtszeit 2022: Die ganze Stadt ist außer Kontrolle. Das erste Weihnachten ohne Corona. Es wird gesungen, gefeiert und getrunken. Wolken aus Glühwein, Gewürzen und Erbrochenem wabern durch die Gassen. Krippen, Weihnachtsbäume, Holzfiguren und all die anderen schönen Schrecken, die uns an die Geburt unseres Messias erinnern sollen. Vor zweitausend Jahren. In Bethlehem. In einer für uns nicht greifbaren Zeit, in einer für uns nicht greifbaren Welt.
2,28 Milliarden Christen feiern diese Geburt und leben nach demselben Modell, das die Menschen vor 2.000 Jahren aufgestellt haben. Dass dies nicht zeitgemäß ist, darüber gibt es nichts zu diskutieren. Schrecklich sind jedoch die Gräueltaten, die im Namen dieses Leitbildes begangen wurden.
"Kreuzzüge, Hexenverbrennungen, Inquisition.
Wir wissen, wie man feiert - eure Kirche."
Ich habe mich in meiner Vergangenheit viel mit Religion beschäftigt.
Ich habe die Bibel, Teile der Thora, den Koran und einige hinduistische und buddhistische Schriften durchgelesen.
Mehr als Gebote, Horrorgeschichten bei Ungehorsam und coole Actionfiguren (indische Götter sind verdammt cool) habe ich aus diesen Schriften nicht mitnehmen können.
Und deswegen schlachten sich die Menschen seit Anbeginn der Zeit zu Tausenden gegenseitig ab?
Jetzt sitze ich also vor meinem Weihnachtsbaum. Aufgehängt mit Strohsternen und Kugeln, die das ganze Wohnzimmer mit ihrem penetranten Glitzerstaub tränken.
Wir preisen den Baum, wir trinken auf ihn und ich könnte kotzen. Ich könnte kotzen wegen der aufgesetzten Festlichkeit. Ich könnte kotzen wegen der Konsumwut und vor allem könnte ich kotzen wegen des ursprünglichen Grundes für Weihnachten.
Es ist Zeit für ein neues Non Est Deus-Album.
Das Songwriting für Legacy begann im Dezember 2022 und wurde bis Ende Dezember 2022 abgeschlossen. Es wurden insgesamt 8 Songs und ein Intro, bestehend aus Gitarrenspuren und programmiertem Schlagzeug.
Diese habe ich dann an Hans, den Schlagzeuger von Kanonenfieber, geschickt.
Hans hat gezaubert und mir innerhalb von zwei Wochen 8 ONE-TAKE aufgenommene Schlagzeugspuren zurückgeschickt.
Dann kam der Bass dazu und der Text wurde fertiggestellt und angepasst.
Das fertige Master hatte ich Mitte Februar fertig.
Nächstes Jahr wird Non Est Deus live auf die Bühne gehen. Unser erster Auftritt wird Anfang März 2023 auf einem kleinen Festival in Oberfranken sein.
Danach werden wir versuchen, eine Tournee auf die Beine zu stellen und hoffen auf den einen oder anderen Slot auf Festivals.
I long to die
In the mother’s womb
Then I‘d sleep
And be at rest
Never alive
Like a miscarriage
That has been buried
In mud and dirt
Isn’t he here
To take our weakness
And to bore
Our disease
Shouldn’t he
Save us from drowning
Yet no calm in sight
Futile, useless
Pathetic and wretched
Perverted and embezzled
Idle, feckless
Acts of compassion
Serve wore and shine
One misconception
As it ever was
Acts and words
Just echos in the void
Not a glass of wine
Nor a loaf of bread
Will ever change
A certain fate
Why does God
Give a light
To the weary
And afflicted hearts
That wait for death
And it does not come
And paths are covered
All around
But as expected
Still left alone
But as expected
Not a bit of hope
Written on Tombstones
Are they meant to be more
Are they meant to be worthy
Are they meant to be responsible
A script of failure and lies
Resurrected by hellfire
And armed with the words of guilt
Longing for lasting existence
A force of the wicked and sick
Don’t let me rest
Nor let me think
Cause I’ll find
The rotten core in itself
Yet another night appears
In the mist of the day
We‘ve seen it a thousand times
Old hands on filthy sheets
Close your eyes and mind
From the yet endless cycle
Just another Holocaust
Another case of extinction
Crawling towards a certain fate
And actually feel nothing
Not owning yet loosing
Not searching yet finding
Not wanting yet needing
Not living yet dying
Amos The Prophet
When God speaks
His words resound
The pious prophet
Can´t remain silent
Mighty words
Used as swords
Against the wicked
Clothed in sin
Three, four, sacrileges
The locust flies
The fields in fire
Evil rises
From the ground
Justice flows
Just like water
In the river
Of righteousness
I‘ll burn your houses
With rightful fire
I‘ll smash the palace
With upright swords
Closed eyes
Yet seeing
Thoughts become truth
And words be swords
Amos the prophet
The Canon of Nil
The atrophy
Of the Apostles
Lives on papyrus
Never to be erased
The canon of God
The Old Testament
The book of Moses
The creation of man
The holy phrases
Shall remain
Like the flowing rivers
And the warming sun
The Canon of Nil
Nothing but phlegm
A dangerous refuge
The addiction to hope
The Canon of Nil
The desperate search
Insight seems pointless
In the absence of god
The chorus
Of despair
In Cathedrals
Sculpted and written
Created in delusion
In the candlelight
Of antiquity
A summoning
Of restless spirits
Craving for affection
And a worthy death
The Canon of Nil
Nothing but phlegm
A dangerous refuge
The addiction to hope
The Canon of Nil
The desperate search
Insight seems pointless
In the absence of god
The Canon of Nil
Nothing but phlegm
A dangerous refuge
The addiction to hope
The Canon of Nil
The desperate search
Insight seems pointless
In the absence of god
Redemption Pt. 1
Without dignity
Without pride
Praying for redemption
Honoring rotten souls
A never ending cycle
A life in repetition
And the only relief
Can be found in lies
Yet I understand why
Restless souls searching
A fluctuation in belief
Leads to endless fire
Redemption Pt. 2
I can’t deny
What has been spoken
I can’t deny
What has been seen
I am ashamed
Of the acts been done
They faint into the mist
Of fear and despair
The compulsive compassion
That leads within
Just another brick of lies
In the wall of shame
The liturgy still remains
If there was something
To hold on to
And not just another
Rotten branch
If there was something
To sacrifice
Just another piece of mine
Thrown in the stake of lies
I can’t deny
I can’t deny
Death is just turning a key in a lock. And I’m still tied up in a rotten chair. The whitecaps on the waves roll towards the beach just like always. And still I'm waiting.
I can’t deny
I tried them too
Those faithful words
Pouring from my lips
I can’t deny
I searched for help
But all I found was
Rotten and decayed
I can’t deny
I can’t deny
Thousand Years of Sand
Like a fruit
In the rotten garden
Like a soul
In the river Styx
Like a stone
In the unending desserts
Like a word
In the city of Babylon
Not understood
Yet true and spoken
The sun is reached
With wax and feathers
Where worlds collide
Between Euphrates and Tigris
The setting sun
In the Occident
Where monuments
Serve as tombstones
Just to serve the dead
And what did it lead to
Thousand years of sand
A civilization
Collapsed in itself
And what did it lead to
Thousand years of sand
Thousand years of wisdom
Yet just remorse
Where dynasties
Erect themselves
The fertile crescent
Shines for the realm
Land of the gods
And nothing left
But sand and stone
The library of Assure
The temple of Ara-li
Legacies burnt to the ground
Forgotten and vanished in sand
And what did it lead to
Thousand years of sand
A civilization
Collapsed in itself
And what did it lead to
Thousand years of sand
Thousand years of wisdom
Yet just remorse
Nothing less and nothing more
Nothing less and nothing more
Nothing less and nothing more
Nothing less and nothing more
A gathering of sins
The city of decadence
The mother of harlots
And abhorrent things
The origin of evil
Of fornication and unbelief
May judgement day
Cleanse it from within
In Babylon
We’ve been neglected
The chosen ones
Waiting for god to come
In Babylon
We’ve been rejected
The forlorn sons
Jerusalem is near
The seven seals been broken
Seven trumpets sound
Resisted the flood
But not human dread
Decay and repression
The towers have collapsed
The gardens dried out
The walls are smashed to dust
The legacy shall be erased
Their ancient gods shall not remain
In Babylon
We’ve been neglected
The chosen ones
Waiting for god to come
In Babylon
We’ve been rejected
The forlorn sons
Jerusalem is near
The Last Act
By the sweat of your face, you shall eat bread,
till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust
And dust you shall become.
At which point did this come to be
Incessantly pierced by thistles and thorns
No ark been built, no ford been laid
Naked I‘ll wander, the sinners path
And dust you shall become
And dust you shall become
At least a god to claim
And some words that hall
A returning echo
That still remains
At least a way to claim
And a trail to tread
Yet no direction
But well-worn feet
I ate the weed
I wandered the valley
There is nothing left
To sacrifice
It bears me thorns
Spikes lead the way
The words of Job
Don’t have an end
The ark has sunk
The plagues remain
The burning bush
Has become extinct
Jona drowned
The newborn’s split
Lots virgin offsprings
Been raped to death
The Lord gave
The Lord took away
The Lord gave
The Lord took away
The water is rising
Daylight disappears
The ground is trembling
Heaven and earth collide
This will be the end
As we all know it
One last chapter
The last act
By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it, you were taken;
for you are dust, and to dust you shall return; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return
12.05.2023 on YouTube and Bandcamp
Noise, Drums by Hans
Text und Musik
Single release
1000 Years of Sand
Cover Artwork
Khaos Diktator Design