Non Est Deus - Impious
Das Projekt
Nach dem Debütalbum „The Last Supper“ vom Januar 2018, dem zweiten Album „There Is No God“ vom Januar 2019 folgt nun das dritte Studio Album des Ein-Mann-Projektes „Non Est Deus“.
Wie mehrfach in Zeitschriften und Blogs vermutet, ist Kanonenfieber nicht das erste Werk von Mastermind „Noise“. Das Projekt „Non Est Deus“ wurde vor fast 4 Jahren geboren und dient einzig und alleine dem Zweck, die Unsinnigkeit der fanatischen Ausübungen von Religion aufzuzeigen.
Die Geisel der Menschheit, das Gift in den Venen der Gesellschaft, die Wurzel von Gewalt und Ausgrenzung. Eine Institution die sich der Instrumentalisierung von Gut und Böse bedient. Schriften die Generationen in Fanatismus und Zweifel gestürzt haben.
Es gibt keinen Gott. Non Est Deus.
Noise | Alle Instrumente und Arangements
Live-Drums by Noderra
Logo by Casus Artem
Cover Art by Mariusz Lewandowski
September 2017
Release 04.03.2022

Gedanken zu "Impious"
Derjenige, der gut ist, wird uns führen. Derjenige, der die Kraft der Unendlichkeit besitzt, wird uns den Weg ins Paradies leiten.
Rette uns Gott, denn wir sind Sünder in der nackten Wahrheit deiner allwissenden Gegenwart!
Und wenn wir sterben dürfen, tun wir es zu Gunsten des Allvaters.
Mit geschlossenen Augen laufen wir ins Verderben, alsbald du es so befiehlst. Wie ein Kind von seiner Mutterbrust nähren wir uns von deinen Worten. Und möge der heilige Brunnen vergiftet sein, wir verzehrten das Wasser, oh Gott.
Produktions Details
Noise | Live-Drums by Noderra
ProduktionNoisebringer Studios Bamberg
LabelNoisebringer Records
Save Us
Save us
Lead us
Guide us
Free us
A miracle took place
So it was written
Two centuries ago
In Bethlehem it‘s said
A child was born
Raised from gods lap
He gave us a savior
His own flesh and blood
To save this mode of life
He gave a sacrifice
To remind us
Of his compassion
He gave us words
We should repeat
To be near to him
He gave us sins
We should exercise
For self punishment
Save us
Lead us
Guide us
Free us
Blind and numb
Like a child fed by the breast
Of rotting words and promises
Flee from self-determination
Run into my holy arms
Save us from heresy
Lead us into eternity
Guide us under your holy wings
Free us from our earthly sins
A Parabel of contradiction
A reading of apathy
An embrace of bleakness
A gesture of acceptance
And if denied to follow
You’ll be serving the faithless
A treason to your own kind
We shall take what he has given
Burn it Down
Burn it down, burn it down
Free all those servants
From the chains of corruption
Shatter their altars to dust
Let the fire cleanse
I baptize you with water for repentance.
But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
His winnowing fork is in his hand and he will clear his trashing floor.
Gathering his weed into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
Burn it down, burn it down
Free this world from this disease
Burn it down burn it down
Drown their adherent in disbelief
Burn it down, burn it down
Free your mind from fear and grief
Burn it down, burn it down
A functional society we retrieve
In the fire of justice it shall burn
Cauterize the gaping wound
Fill it up with free eagerness
From the ashes well start to create
Rotten stench of thousand years
Burn them to dust
Poisonous words that filled our ears
Burn them to dust
Letters that raped our soul and mind
Burn them to dust
The hostage of the humankind
Burn them to dust
Burn it down, burn it down
Free this world from this disease
Burn it down burn it down
Drown their adherent in disbelief
Burn it down, burn it down
Free your mind from fear and grief
Burn it down, burn it down
A functional society we retrieve
Fuck Your God
No rebirth, no resurrection
Just rotting, decaying
The moment your time has ended
A small hole, end station
No relief and no salvation
Just facing, times changing
Be grateful and be patient
God‘s chasing the waiting
And nothing
Can save you
Your savior
He hates you
And nothing
Oh, good lord
Nothing can save you now
Not even fucking god
You live a mess
You sway and todd
You’ve been mislead
Fuck your god
You die in vain
No holy court
Your death’s a shame
Fuck your god
No rebirth, no resurrection
Just rotting, decaying
The moment your time has ended
A small hole, end station
No relief and no salvation
Just facing, times changing
Be grateful and be patient
God‘s chasing the waiting
Fuck your God
A witch you should not leave alive
A witch is in pact with the devil
A witch laid by the demon's side
For a witch, there is no place in heaven
Rinse their soul in conflagration
Until nothing is left
A burned body can release
The demon that hides inside
Crooked nose, deepest eyes
Are signs of the devil
Freckles, warts and a humped back
Are signs of the devil
Herbs and species, deep in the woods
Are signs of the devil
Hailstorms burn a witch
Bad harvest burn a witch
Inflation burns a witch
Plagues burn a witch
From Ansbach to Nürnberg
From Nürnberg to Fürth
From Fürth to Würzburg
Spreads the Hexenwahn
From Würzburg to Bamberg
From Bamberg to Erlangen
From Erlangen to Trier
Spreads the Hexenwahn
If a man has put a spell upon another man, and it is not yet justified, he upon whom the spell is laid shall go to the holy river; into the holy river shall he plunge. If the holy river overcomes him, and he is drowned, the man who put the spell upon him shall take possession of his house. If the holy river declares him innocent, and he remains unharmed, the man who laid the spell shall be put to death.
Rack them, drown them,
Burn them, make them confess
50.000 died
Combating my evil passions
Break through the symbolic
Rise above my limits
Through this ascetic lesson
Visualize the suffering of Christ
Pain is temporary
Passion stays forever
Execute this painful exercises
Pain is temporary
Passion stays forever
I fall down to my knees
After the matins and the lauds for Mary
Psalm 6 on my lips
Extinguish the candles
The flagellation begins
The Miserere and the Gloria Patri
De profundis and Requiem aeternam
The introit of the Requiem liturgy
Being prayed
The rope clasped between those fingers
I swing it backwards
As the rope hits, it splits the skin
One swing follows the other
I imitate the suffering of Christ
I pray for relief of my sins and salvation
This sacrifice will purify
Will wash me clean from my earthly desires
Combating my evil passions
Break through the symbolic
Rise above my limits
Through this ascetic exercise
Visualize the suffering of Christ
Pain is temporary
Passion stays forever
Execute this painful exercises
Pain is temporary
Passion stays forever
Christraping Polka
A moment to clarify
Your god is based on a lie
A lie for which you would die
Construct of human minds
Through which they justify
Cruelties and disgusting rites
Make your choice
And it should be wise
It may decide
Which way you’ll die
They claim your free will and life
They devise a reason to fight
They take your human rights
Their hate you can’t survive
They’ll find, you can not hide
Without honor and pride
Make your choice
And it should be wise
It may decide
Which way you’ll die
Celebrate the Selfdestruct
Celebrate the self-destruct
Destroy in the name of god
Celebrate the self-destruct
Revel in this lie construct
Celebrate the self-destruct
Destroy in the name of god
Celebrate the self-destruct
Until your eyes are shut
Ally with the most contagious plague
Breathing ether into the face of the helpless
Either killing or getting killed
Raping the innocent to death
Self-destruct is a manner of resistance
Self-destruct in the name of god
Celebrate the self-destruct
Destroy in the name of god
Celebrate the self-destruct
Revel in this lie construct
Celebrate the self-destruct
Destroy in the name of god
Celebrate the self-destruct
Until your eyes are shut
They keep grinding the unfortunate
Burning down disbelief and freedom
Executing deniers for pleasure
Crucifying every approval of goodness
I can’t stand
This vainglory
They confess
Their everlasting greed
I can’t stand
This overconfidence
That is grounded
On lethal words
Celebrate the self-destruct
Destroy in the name of god
Celebrate the self-destruct
Revel in this lie construct
Celebrate the self-destruct
Destroy in the name of god
Celebrate the self-destruct
Until your eyes are shut
The Ascension
One thing they never told me
How to reach unending faith
How to come closer to my savior
My day and night my life and death
I try my best following his guidance
But my perception doesn’t fit
Your words were written down by humans
And we all know they tend to fail
My ultimate goal is the ascension
I want to be part of the spirit
Oh god, release me from this hollow
Let me be part of your kingdom
„Draw near to god, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners: and purify your hearts, you double minded“
Thy name echos in my mind
My feet stumble unholy ground
I shall eat the weed on plain fields
Self-punishment will lead me through
Your words were written by your servants
They’re not as holy as you can be
Wrong tongues and fingers misinterpreted
Suicide can not be a sin
“Do not be a fool. Why die before your time“
Who are you to claim god's words?
So it is time to join my lord
Prepared all night for this task
I’ll burn myself till nothing's left
The fastest way to ascend
A big cross does mark the place
Where I’ll carry out my sacrifice
To the cross I will now tie
Standing right on the pyre
A match will enlighten my last steps
Right to the feet of you my lord
I toss it down, I smell the smoke
The fire starts to light up
I feel the heat on my bare feet
The pyre is starting to burn now
The heat gets more and more intense
Sweat is running down my face
The flames begin to devour me
I lift my eyes right to the sky
Here I come for you, my lord
Come and see my sacrifice
The pain is getting unbearable
I scream, I cry, I laugh, I smile
A few more minutes for me to wait
Till I can rise up to the sky